About Wycore.
Our Vision
We founded Wycore to make a difference and help make the world a better place by offering digital freedom. The Wycore desktop is designed to enable an autonomous lifestyle on the user’s terms while optimizing a company’s ability to grow and succeed.
Everyone should have access to the digital tools they need to live the life they want to live and achieve their full potential as an employee. As a company you can deploy the latest cutting-edge technology to stay in the forefront.
Our Mission
Since 2008, Wycore has developed and delivered cloud-based desktops. All while developing our systems and our organization to meet our customers’ needs.
We closely monitor future trends to remain in the forefront. When these trends turn into preferences among our customers we are then able to quickly offer them as part of our secure systems.
Our platform will never be experimental, we will always remain as modern as we are secure. At the same time, we will always stay ahead of the competition by developing, testing and fine-tuning the Wycore base. As a Wycore customer, your will stay ahead of the competition by having access to the latest in IT.
Our History
Since our start We have constantly been moving forward with new technology.
2008 - Wycore 1
The start of Wycore with platform 1 based on Microsoft Remote Desktop Services running on our servers in our own datacenter. Platform is now based on Windows Server 2008.
2012 - Wycore 2
The launch of Wycore 2. Upgraded to 64-bit based on Windows Server 2008 R2. The platform is now a completely virtual environment on with VMware as hypervisor.
2014 - Upgrade to Citrix Platinum
System upgrade to Citrix Platinum Edition. The launch of our user portal Wycore Manage and Wycore Client, our thin client solution.
2017 - Wycore 3
Wycore 3 is launched based on Server 2016 with the possibility to run advanced 3D-applications based on NVIDIA technology. Moving out from our own datacenter to Microsoft Azure. Office 365 is integrated in the platform with direct integration to Microsoft services.
2020 - Wycore 4
Full Office 365 integration with OneDrive and Teams inside the Wycore Desktop with full video support. Single sign on is activated on all Microsoft services. Activation of two factor authentication.